May 23, 2014

Two Poems by Richard Schnap

Waiting for the Angel

I see people with locked hearts
Who have given up believing
That love’s key will ever find them

And I see people with blank minds
Who watched everything they learned
Erased by a tyrannical hand

And I see people with cold souls
Who one day looked in their mirrors
At posters of missing persons

And I see them all gathered
In the ruins of a condemned temple
Hallucinating voices in the wind

Secret Identities

There was the one who became a convict
In a prison of his own creation
Who locked the door behind him
And then threw away the key

And the one who became a convert
To a faith with her as its deity
Deciding who was devoted
And who would burn in Hell

And the one who became a subject
In his own scientific experiment
To see if he could find a way
To learn to love the dead

And the one who became a savior
Who longed to wake these children
But found they preferred bondage
To the terror of being free

Richard Schnap is a poet, songwriter and collagist living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His poems have most recently appeared locally, nationally and overseas in a variety of print and online publications.

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