

Poppy Road Review’s Annual Print Edition, 2015.  This stunning 122-page book features the fine poetry of William Cullen Jr., Donal Mahoney, Marianne Szlyk, Danny Earl Simmons, Martin Willitts Jr, Laura Lovic-Lindsay, Paul Tristram, Corey D. Cook, Rick Hartwell, Steve Klepetar, Rachel Nix, Byron Beynon, Michael Keshigian, Ernest Williamson III, Richard Schnap, Michael Lee Johnson, Diana Decker, Arlene Mandell, Joseph Lisowski, Kasie Lee, Joan Colby, Don Thompson, Bobbi Sinha-Morey, Douglas Polk, John Grey, M.J. Iuppa, Helen Losse, Mary Jo Balistreri, Michael Holme, Linda M. Crate, Harika Kottakota, Ute Carson, Jane Beal, Laurie Kolp, Akiva J. Savett, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal, Jessica Simonetti, Donald Brandis, J.K. Durick, Maryam Mir, B.A. Varghese, Joan Cannon, Anderson O’ Brien, Joan McNerney, and David Chorlton.

Cover art & design by Sandy Benitez
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Poppy Road Review's Annual Print Edition, 2014. This bountiful 200-page book features the fine poetry of Coraline Adams, Jim Pascual Agustin, Kathy B. Austin, Mary Jo Balistreri, Jan Ball, Lindsey Bellosa, Sandy Benitez, Byron Beynon, Sam Bockover, Rose Mary Boehm, Ace Boggess, Heather M. Browne, Peggy Carter, Chelsea Cefalu, David Chorlton, Sara Clancy, Tobi Cogswell, Joan Colby, Rita Coleman, Linda M. Crate, Chris Crittenden, William Cullen, Jr., Andrea DeAngelis, Pat Hanahoe-Dosch, J.K. Durick, Richard Fein, Daniel N. Flanagan, Michael Fontana, Taylor Graham, John Grey, Rick Hartwell, Paul Hellweg, Michael Holme, A.J. Huffman, M.J. Iuppa, Colin James, Seth Jani, Caitlin Johnson, Couri Johnson, Michael Lee Johnson, Tiffany Kang, Dane Karnick, Michael Keshigian, Steve Klepetar, Neil Leadbetter, Katherine Liu, Donal Mahoney, Ricki Mandeville, Herbert Woodward Martin, Molly McCormack, Joan McNerney, Mark J. Mitchell, Maddy Mueller, Brian Glaser, Eira Needham, Sergio Ortiz, Al Ortolani, James Owens, Sarah Russell, Elizabeth Cantonwine Schmidt, Richard Schnap, Danny Earl Simmons, Jeanine Stevens, Marianne Szlyk, Dylan Weir, Ernest Williamson III, Martin Willitts Jr., Erin Wilson, and Sally Zakariya.

Cover art courtesy of Pixabay, Creative Commons License.

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Poppy Road Review's Annual Print Edition, 2013.  This beautiful 116-page book features all poets published in 2013, to include Mary Jo Balistreri, Byron Beynon, Joan L. Cannon, Sara Biggs Chaney, Kyle Hemmings, M.J. Iuppa, Michael Keshigian, Steve Klepetar, Donal Mahoney, Arlene L. Mandell, Joan McNerney, Al Ortolani, James Owens, Scott Owens, L.C. Ricardo, Richard Schnap, Samantha Seto, Jeanine Stevens, John Swain, Martin Willitts Jr., and many others.

The poppy cover photo was generously provided by James Owens and his poppy images may be located in the "Art" link at the bottom of the page.

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Poppy Road Review's Annual Print Edition, 2012.  This beautiful 94-page book features all poets published in 2012, to include Marie Abate, Lindsey Bellosa, Sandy Benitez, Nina Bennett, Byron Beynon, Isaac Black, Rose Mary Boehm, Harry Calhoun, Joan L. Cannon, Valentina Cano, Joan Colby, Corey Cook, Sarah Crewe, Jim Davis, Monic Ductan, Kristina England, Gary Glauber, John Grey, Craig A. Hart, A.J. Huffman, M.J. Iuppa, Peycho Kanev, Farhan Kathawala, Steve Klepetar, Richard Lighthouse, Duane Locke, Donal Mahoney, Larissa Nash, Eira Needham, Brenda Ordonez, Sergio Ortiz, Al Ortolani, Deonte Osayande, Jimmy Pappas, Zeny May Dy Recidoro, Ruth Deborah Rey, L.C. Ricardo, Bill Roberts, Nina Romano, Sy Roth, Walter Ruhlmann, Samantha Seto, Danny Earl Simmons, Michael Dwayne Smith, Dr. Smita Anand Sriwastav, Robert Strickland, Martin Willitts Jr., Megan Willoughby, and Catherine Zickgraf.

The cover art is an impressionistic painting titled "The Poppy Field" by Willard Metcalf and is in the public domain.

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Poppy Road Review's Annual Print Edition, 2011This beautiful 146-page book features the fine poetry and haiku of Howie Good, Rick Hartwell, Donal Mahoney, John Swain, A.J. Huffman, Carla Martin-Wood, Lark Beltran, Karen Kelsay, Barbara Brooks, Kevin Heaton, Juliet Wilson, Wynne Huddleston, Paul Hellweg, Corey Cook, Jenny Enochsson, Martin Willitts Jr., M.J. Iuppa, Valentina Cano, Kyle Hemmings, Gordon Mason, Gary Glauber, John Grey, Andrew Taylor, Sharanya Manivannan, Ariana D. Den Bleyker, Scott Owens, Helen Losse, Jeanine Stevens, Joan McNerney, Harry Calhoun, Michael Lee Johnson, Kevin Ridgeway, Lori Lipsky, Joan L. Cannon, Ben Rasnic, Michael Holme, Neil Ellman, Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas, and many others.

Cover art “A Bed of Poppies” (1909), oil on canvas by Maria Oakey Dewing.

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  1. I would like to purchase a copy of Poppy Road Review from 2014. Is it available? I don't see a "purchase here" indication. Thank you.

  2. Hi Peggy,

    I've had issues trying to publish this edition in the past but if/when I am able to fix the glitches, I will send out a notice about its publication.


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