February 20, 2023

Quest / Joyfully Blue by Michael L. Newell


The road rises gradually, tumbles 

down into a valley, curves back 

and forth, straightens and goes

up a long grade into 

darkening sky, then switches 


sharply back along its own path;

everywhere I look I see life dying, 

being born, struggling, triumphing, 

and fading away into energy which 

will feed the next generation of travelers


searching for a destination where 

they can rest at last, lay their heads

upon a stone or stump or clump of grass,

and sleep until they find a dream

which allows them to rise and move on.


              (Kigali, Rwanda, March 2012)



Joyfully Blue

In the dark blue

deepening to black


of early evening,

I, silent and still, sit


listening to a gently rising

orchestra of sound:


a bird rhythmically sounding notes

which call to mind


Milt Jackson's mallets slow dancing

up and down a vibraphone, a chorale 


of insects gradually growing louder, voices

of lads playing soccer in the distance


down a curving dirt road, men 

and women talking, laughing, flirting,


and welcoming the deep peace of dusk's

warm and comforting waters;


I lean back and my eyes rest upon the rising 

of a silvery moon, and I drift away.


                (Kigali, Rwanda, September 2011)


Michael L. Newell has recently been published in Bellowing ArkShemom, and Jerry Jazz Musician.  His most recent book is from Cyberwit.net.  Its title is Don't Fret (Jazz Poems).

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